MJ is Ignorant: A Politics Podcast

My name is MJ, and I know a fair amount of stuff about several many things. Politics is not one of those things, so I ask my friends to explain the details to me.

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Friday Feb 16, 2018

Follow us on twitter @mjisignorant for questions and comments! This month I'm joined by Madison's Alder for district 3, Amanda Hall. Josh* and I learned a ton from her about the government structure of Madison, WI and Dane County, and the work that those elected officials do. Local politics often impact our day to day more than national politics do and it's great to dive into a better understanding. As promised, here are some local government resources:
- States and cities have government pages that are great for knowing your representatives and learning about upcoming elections: 
- There are also non-government groups who disseminate information about elections and voting laws:
- I also found this excellent app that notifies you of your next elections:
*Josh Brzeszkiewicz writes at http://joshbrez.com

Monday Jan 22, 2018

follow us on twitter @mjisignorant. Christmas! A time of goodwill to others, peace, and community. Not having been a Trump voter myself, I welcome three Donald Trump supporters to the show to talk to me about their views and opinions. Sarah Davies Breen, a Notre Dame global affairs graduate student, helps me interview and understand my Trump Voter Guests: political science student Bailey LaSage, motivational speaker Bernie Raynor (kingrayn.com) and business analyst Ryan Liddell. 🎄

Tuesday Nov 14, 2017

Follow us on twitter @mjisignorant for questions and comments! Socrates had a very effective method for finding truth through discussion, he was also kind of annoying and adversarial. On Episode 3, we have an open discussion on the benefits and pitfalls of using rationalist reasoning in our political relationships. I'm joined by Josh Brzezskiewicz of joshbrez.com and my philosophy nerd friend Michael Martino of sherwood-consulting.com.

Tuesday Oct 10, 2017

Episode 2 welcomes listeners back to the show where I, someone who knows some stuff, but not about politics, ask questions of my politically savvy friends. We are on twitter! Find us @mjisignorant - In this episode we discuss the role of political parties, why they exist and if they, on the whole, help or hurt our political process. My guests are Josh Brzeszkiewicz of joshbrez.com, Steve Swedberg, a policy researcher and author of libertarianjew.blogspot.com, law student and former Fox News producer Jenna Johnson, and Madison-based community organizer Josh Miller.

Politics: What Are They?

Friday Sep 08, 2017

Friday Sep 08, 2017

Episode 1 introduces my new podcast. My name is MJ and I know a fair amount of stuff about several many things. Politics is not one of those things. Fortunately I have great friends who are willing to answer my quetions on air. In our innagural (that's a politics word) episode, we start with the basics: what do we mean when we say politics, how do we talk and think about it? My guests are Josh Brzeszkiewicz of joshbrez.com, Steve Swedberg of the American Institute for Research and libertarianjew.blogspot.com, and Jenna Johnson, formerly of Fox News and currently studying law.

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